Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor fucking what??

I genuinely don't get what the celebration in regards to Eric Cantor losing the primary is about. The fact is, he got replaced by a guy who makes Cantor look like Martin Luther King, and that's NOT a good thing. Don't get me wrong, Cantor was an entrenched, obstructionist asshole, but given the hyperconservative Tea Party stances of David Brat on key points like immigration reform, would we have been better off with the devil we know or this new beast rising from the depths?

One thing that I do see as a positive in all this, is that Cantor got slapped down by his constituents for ignoring his job in favor of trying to grab more power, in this case, the position of Speaker of the House. If we saw more politicians smacked for focusing on their political careers and the next election instead of talking care of the people who voted them into office, we'd be in a much better place as a nation.

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